Chinuch Music FAQ’S

What files will I receive when I download?

You receive three files. Two mp3 downloads and a PDF with the lyrics. One mp3 is with guidance and one mp3 no guidance.

What is with guidance and no guidance?

With guidance means you receive the track with the actual tune being played to the soundtrack
which helps you keep in time when singing along. These tracks are often intended to practice with.
Without guidance there is no tune to guide you, it is just the accompanying instruments.

How many times can I download each song once I’ve bought it?

Two downloads.

Once I’ve bought the song, how long do I have until I can’t download it anymore?

Up to two days.

Can I request a new song or customize a song for our school program or project?

Yes. Please contact us through the contact page and we will get back to you.

Can I request for a song to be in a key higher or lower?

Yes. Please contact us through the contact page and we will get back to you.